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Mobile service prices in Egypt to increase in 2024

Effective from February 2024, customers can expect a price surge ranging from 10% to 16%. This marks the first price adjustment for mobile services in Egypt since 2017

By: Business Today Egypt

Tue, Jan. 2, 2024

Egyptian telecom operators have notified their customers about an upcoming increase in mobile phone service prices, encompassing both call and data charges. Effective from February 2024, customers can expect a price surge ranging from 10% to 16%. This marks the first price adjustment for mobile services in Egypt since 2017, as reported by local media sources.

The major telecom players in Egypt have begun revealing the specific details of their price revisions. Etisalat Egypt, for instance, has announced a 15% increase in its monthly subscription costs, effective immediately.

Similarly, WE has raised its service prices by 10-15%. Orange, another prominent telecom company, has confirmed that its monthly packages will see an increase of around 16% starting February 2024. Additionally, Vodafone has informed its customers about a price hike, which will go into effect in February 2024.

The decision to raise prices comes as telecom operators grapple with rising service costs throughout the current year. These costs have soared by approximately EGP 50 billion primarily attributed to multiple factors, according to media reports citing people familiar with the matter. Notably, the bill for importing equipment from abroad has increased by 70%, while energy and fuel consumption expenses have also surged.