Facing the pressure and defeating challenges with Nagwa El Koussy - Women in Business Today 2022

A firm believer in creating her own future, El Koussy maintained a successful career as a female trailblazer in the field of engineering, challenging an all-male industry, and is now Deputy Chairwoman of Sabbour Consulting

By: Business Today Egypt

Sun, Apr. 17, 2022

One of Egypt’s first female engineers to graduate from Cairo University, Nagwa El Koussy personifies strength of will and has helped paved the way for Egyptian women for decades, a glowing example of breaking gender boundaries.

A firm believer in creating her own future, El Koussy maintained a successful career as a female trailblazer in the field of engineering, challenging an all-male industry, and is now Deputy Chairwoman of Sabbour Consulting.

This interview is part of our Women in Business Today 2022 issue and video series. You can find the full video series on our Facebook and Instagram under @btegyptmag.


Firstly, what does Women’s Month mean to you?

It is a celebration for being brave every day, continually, when the world is changing around you.

I hope it is celebrated every day, not just a month in the year, because the challenges women face every day, what we collectively and individually go through – and are still going through, are not easy to overcome without the support of the community and other motivated women.


As one of the first female engineers to graduate from Cairo University, what was the experience like? How did you tackle the challenges you faced?

Of course, it was very challenging back in those days, in the 60s I mean, but I was raised in a very well educated family. My mother, who was an employed woman, had a great impact on my personality, teaching me that we should work and become successful; it is not an option, it is a must. This is why my family supported me to take the first step.


How did you balance being a mother and your ambitious career? What have you sacrificed or had to adjust (both personally and professionally) at each stage of your career?

My priority has always been my family, to give them my full attention and all the love and care they need. My family has been very helpful to me as well, alongside the support of my husband Hussein Sabbour, who stood by me and supported me through my journey. He taught me the main factors for success are love and respect.


What advice would you give to women who want to find a successful career and family life?

Managing the work-life-family balance is a difficult and challenging task, but is very achievable.

I believe that, more than men, women need to understand that it is necessary to choose and begin working on the career they would like to pursue as early as possible, and to persist and keep going even after marriage and children. As women, we do not have the luxury to waste time. By taking steps early on, women will have set a momentum that will continue as family comes into the picture.


Do you feel that cultural expectations and perceptions on women’s role in the workplace and as financial providers for their families have changed in the past few years?

I think that it has become more challenging than ever before due to familial demands, which focus on upgrading the overall standard of living.

To women who want to compete for leadership positions and to elevate themselves, for you to get to the position you want to, you must be focused and work hard so that your gender does not become a hindrance to your success.

There is often pressure from employers on women to convince them that their loyalties lie at work and not at home, since working mothers might not be able to afford to spend extra hours doing overtime or other work-related activities which can jeopardize their family.

The best way to meet these expectations is to be focused and work super hard.  Multitasking will aid you in achieving your goals. Avoid time-wasting, casual internet browsing, gossiping, and long lunches. All these things cause distractions and make you less productive.


How has Al Ahly Sabbour helped drive social change and empower women in the workplace in recent years?

The company tries to support all the women, 30% of our employees are women, and their families at all times, working as one big family.


Do you have a mantra or saying that you would like to share with other ambitious women that has been meaningful to you?

In life, you decide the things that are important to you. As any woman, I have my own visions and dreams, and I want to achieve them.

I want to be a successful mother to my children, and I want to be a successful wife to my husband, and once I am able to balance them, it will make for a successful home. All we need is understanding, and a balanced home that provides the right atmosphere.

I also apply a specific method; concentrating on my children on the days that matter the most to them and making time for them that day, and for the day that is important to my husband, I create the time for him. The same goes for my work.

If I don’t do this, everything will crumble, and that is why I need to measure the amount of time and attention I give to them, and it is why I can’t advise other women on how to run her household and family, because it is your circumstances that determine your type of action.

My home is different from any other home, and I am happy to be married to Hussein Sabbour, as he was my mentor, supporter, and a great husband, as I was as his wife, along our journey.


What is one thing you wish more people knew about women in the workplace?

Whether it is a man or a woman, one’s career can only be managed by diligent and intelligent efforts.

Without a plan and its execution, you are taking a chance with your career, and/or are betting on your luck, which seldom works. Occasionally, luck may favor you but not all the time.

I have never seen anyone become a legend in his or her field merely by chance, without any planning and hard work. This is the reality.

In summary, if you want to be successful in your career, “design your future and don’t resign to your fate.”