Best Practices For Moving Into Ecommerce

Today’s businesses have to keep an eye on changing consumer behaviors and journey, as online shopping becomes more and more prevalent in Egypt. Whether you are looking to get into Ecommerce on your own or with a dedicated agency, here are some things you and your business may need to know.

By: Christine Salzmann

Tue, Dec. 1, 2020

Today’s businesses have to keep an eye on changing consumer behaviors and journey, as online shopping becomes more and more prevalent in Egypt.

With consumers becoming more digitally native and online shopping becomes less of a trend and more of a norm, businesses have to ensure they continue to reach consumers on any popular platform.

In a recent report by Google, they state that Egyptians are 77% more likely to buy from both online and offline compared to 2019 (increasing from 67%). Online shopping numbers have naturally grown over the last few years, however recent nationwide lockdowns and COVID fears have forced consumers to be more comfortable with buying online.

Whether you are looking to get into Ecommerce on your own or with a dedicated agency, here are some things you and your business may need to know.


Understand online consumer behaviors

Digital consumer behavior varies from traditional behaviors in more ways than the sales channel they prefer to use.

An online consumer’s tolerance to any negative element of their experience with you is short, with the internet making it easier and faster to publicly share complaints. Making a smooth experience, and strong consumer dialogue and service, a business-saver.

While at the purchasing stage, product placement and assortment, sales services, and information quality (from reviews, descriptions and etc.) are some of the most important points to help consumers choose what to buy and from where.

For social media channels, note that each app’s audience have a preference on the type of content they want to consume on the platform. While Facebook is the most flexible, Instagram users prefer a “fantasy” version of your products and its visuals, and etc.

Do your research, or ask your agency to, before you decide to simply post the same content on all platforms.


Pricing consistency or diversity

Price diversity when using multi-channel business models is a hot debate topic. When opening your ecommerce website, consider how this may influence consumer reactions and its affects on your physical stores.

Some companies have opted for a consistent strategy, with only the added convenience of quick shopping on-the-go through ecommerce channels.

Some have gone the opposite route, providing different prices and promotions on-ground and online.

Recently, a clothing brand opened their ecommerce store with a promotional 30% off for an entire month, while having a 3 for 2 promotion on-ground. Digital savvy users, who noticed the brand’s digital advertising for their new website, were drawn more towards the online offer as products ranged from L.E 800 to L.E 3000.

Online, businesses are able to provide targeted discounts toward price-sensitive consumers and target special promotions according to their actions.  This provides a good reason to consider price or promotional diversity.


Abandonment issues

Cart abandonment rate is an often-underrated measurement of how well your business is going.

People may come and go through your website, but those that add to carts are motivated, so why are they abandoning carts?

There are several actions businesses can use to promote a higher rate of sales.

Optimizing your checkout process is an essential element to keep track of as a cluttered and complicated system will only demotivate potential consumers. Consider the need to create a profile as something to be encouraged rather than a need to continue to the purchase stage.

Creating special promotions directed at cart abandoners are a great way to remind and encourage continuing their checkout process.


Loyalty programs and reviews

Reviews are important to online shoppers as an integral method to “check out” items before purchase. Without being able to physically see and touch products, products with several reviews, especially those with video or image, are more likely to be sold compared to those with none.

The main problem ecommerce stores encounter with reviews is encouraging consumers to return to the website and leave reviews for others.

Shoppers are used to traditional shopping behaviors; once the sale is completed and the product is in hand, the relationship and cycle has ended and there is no need to connect with the store again.

Online stores must to find a way to get around this behavior and support one of reviewing; simply because researching reviews are a common online consumer behavior.

An undervalued option is creating loyalty programs where users are able to receive points and special discounts according to the amount of reviews they post. Some ecommerce-only stores have also adopted a system where points differ according to the type of review, whether it is text only or includes an image or video.


Highly detailed

Alongside reviews, highly detailed descriptions are an important part of getting consumers to the checkout line.

Although this is an often-discussed topic, many traditional stores going online do not pay enough attention to their product descriptions.

This is even more important during the launching phase, as reviews will be in short supply.

Highly detailed descriptions, beside clear product images with different angles, will provide consumers with more confidence when buying your product online, particularly if your product is new and not widely available in stores.

Consider a photoshoot with a simple and plain background for your ecommerce channel, as opposed to using traditional advertising photos with the item in use. The main goal is to show the item as clearly as possible on your website. A simple white background minimizes distractions, puts your product as the center of attention, and provides consistency.

It is worth knowing that some advertising and ecommerce channels have it as a mandatory requirement, such as Google Shopping.


Find new ways to promote

In the world of digital advertising, companies and agencies have to be informed of new advertising models and channels to be efficient in their goal to reach consumers.

Keep an eye out for new social media platforms and channels, or request updates or reports from your agency to stay ahead of your competitors.

Some examples are Google Shopping ads, Instagram Shopping (newly released in Egypt), mobile games, and augmented reality filters. Although augmented reality filter creators in Egypt aren’t easy to find, the number of local mobile game developers continues to grow both as individuals and as companies.

One common mistake that a local sushi restaurant made while creating a mobile game is not researching your developer. Always look through their previous apps and games to ensure they are the right fit, and if they are worth your time.