Around 72% of marketers see mobile marketing increasing in 2021| WARC

Out of 466 marketing professionals surveyed, around 72% expect mobile budgets to increase in 2021, while only 48% said the same last year

By: Business Today Egypt

Mon, Sep. 20, 2021

More than a year into the pandemic that significantly affected global marketing budgets, international marketing intelligence and analysis company WARC highlights mobile as one of the most resilient media platforms.

According to an online survey by WARC in association with the Mobile Marketing Association, marketers are investing larger budgets into mobile MarTech, as well as in data capture and data analysis of mobile audiences.

WARC attributed this to how audiences are mainly monetized through video and display advertising, pointing out a growing opportunity for monetization through e-commerce.

Out of 466 marketing professionals surveyed, around 72% expect mobile budgets to increase in 2021, while only 48% said the same last year.


"The combination of increased e-commerce demand with increased use of social media, accelerated by the pandemic, has led to more purchase journeys being completed on mobile and innovations in shoppable media, providing significant opportunities for marketers to monetize their mobile audiences," stated Amy Rodgers, Managing Editor Research and Rankings at WARC.

Related > Mobile marketing and budgets up due to pandemic: WARC Data

Nearly nine in ten marketers have experienced improved m-commerce capabilities and three fifths of respondents have named commerce as the most significant consumer behavior in 2021, wrote WARC in a release.

Rohit Dadwal, Managing Director, MMA APAC, added: "Mobile has consistently been an effective marketing channel in APAC and plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of digital marketing. With innovations now linking offline and online together like never before, marketers are making significant investments in mobile marketing technologies to ensure they keep up with their competition. I hope this study will empower more marketers to leverage the channel as it continues to be a disruptive force across industries."

As expected, social media platforms were the most used and most prioritized mobile marketing channel, with 89% of respondents using social in their mobile marketing strategy.

On average, a third of the mobile budget goes toward social, with YouTube, Facebook and Instagram as the biggest platforms for display marketing.

The data is part of an annual report released by WARC, Architecting the future of marketing in APAC: The use of Mobile in the digital marketing mix, the global authority on effective marketing, in association with the MMA, the world's leading non-profit mobile trade association.

The report is based on an online survey of 466 marketing professionals based in APAC - a mix of client-side, agency, media owner and technology vendor marketers - carried out in July and August 2021 by WARC, in association with the MMA.