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Ministry of Transportation

Manufacturing sector sees 7.1% growth in Q1 FY2024/2025 driven by custom release measures

Development financing directed to the private sector surpassed government development financing by 35% during Q1, underscoring the success of economic reforms aimed at empowering the private sector to drive growth, according to a cabinet statement.

Arab Organization for Industrialization to establish car tires city in Egypt

The first phase of the city is expected to commence With the construction of a tire factory within a year.

Egypt aims to increase industrial sector's contribution to economy to 20% annually

He outlined the government’s urgent industrial development plan, which aims to elevate the industrial sector’s contribution to the national economy from its current 14% to 20% annually by 2030.

55% increase in volume of trade exchange bet. Egypt & Malaysia

El-Wazir highlighted the strong relationship between Egypt and Malaysia, noting that Egypt is Malaysia’s fifth-largest African trading partner.

Chinese BAIC & Alkan Auto Companies to establish electric cars factory in Egypt

The project is scheduled to produce 20,000 cars in the first year so that the production volume will reach 50,000 cars by the end of the fifth year.