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Finding equilibrium between work and life, and advocating gender equality with Beyti’s Ghada Fouad

An advocate for work-life balance and women’s empowerment, Fouad sheds light on how she, and Beyti, have advocated for and implemented policies that promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace

By: Business Today Egypt

Mon, Apr. 10, 2023

“As Beyti’s first female Corporate Affairs Director, I sought out advice and guidance from other female leaders in Beyti and from other guru leaders in the Industry in general,” explains Ghada Fouad, Corporate Affairs and Communications Director at Beyti - an Almarai subsidiary.

An advocate for work-life balance and women’s empowerment, Fouad sheds light on how she, and Beyti, have advocated for and implemented policies that promote gender equality and empower women in the workplace.

Fouad shares her experience as a female leader establishing a brand-new department, the importance of networking as an imperative part of success, and finding a state of equilibrium between work and personal life.


As Beyti’s first Corporate Affairs Director, what have been the greatest challenge(s) you have faced taking on such a brand-new role in the company? How were you able to surpass them?


It is not an easy journey building a new department from scratch, especially in a dynamic and fast-moving business such as Beyti. 

As Beyti’s first female Corporate Affairs Director, I sought out advice and guidance from other female leaders in the company and from other guru leaders in the industry in general who gave me valuable advice, leveraging their expertise to help me succeed in my role. 


How have you used your position to advocate for gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace?

Being a part of Beyti’s management team alongside my colleague Engy El Maghrabi, Beyti’s VP of Marketing for Dairy, already showcases that we are a company that walks the talk, believing in women’s capabilities in reaching leadership positions. Moreover, more than 30% of the leading managerial roles in the company are held by women.

At Beyti, a subsidiary of Almarai, we’ve taken several steps to advocate for gender equality as we have always been empowering both genders to reach their full potential. 

We have implemented policies that promote equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, and have ensured that these policies are firmly enforcing equal opportunity for hiring, promotions, etc. For example, our signature “Future Leaders” program, with around 40% of participants being women, is our main pipeline of talented and capable future leaders within our factory, sales, and head office. 

In order to ensure a safe and supportive work environment for all genders, I made it a priority to take part in panels, events, and discussions which bring attention to the importance of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Beyti’s workplace. 

These sessions provide an opportunity for colleagues from the industry to discuss the various challenges that may arise in a work environment that is not equitable for all genders, and to discuss potential strategies for creating an atmosphere of respect and understanding.

Additionally, it helps create an awareness of the different roles that both men and women play in the workplace, while also fostering collaboration and dialogue amongst coworkers. I hope my colleagues will gain valuable insights into how they can contribute to creating a work environment that is not only equitable but also conducive to productivity. 

Through these initiatives, I’m committed to creating an inclusive working environment where everyone can thrive and reach their full potential.




In terms of Beyti, what initiatives has it launched to support the career development and advancement of women, and what impact have these initiatives had on women’s representation in leadership roles?

At Beyti, we understand that effective employee engagement is the cornerstone of a successful business. Therefore, all management and supervisory staff are given access to leadership and development programs, training courses, and personalized performance targets. 

In 2021, Beyti had no recorded instances of discrimination simply because of the effective employee engagement programs in place. All staff members also received performance and career development appraisals which helped them identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as what steps they need to take to improve their performance. 

For us to succeed, it is important to make investments in our employees. We are dedicated to giving our staff the tools they need to realize their full potential and advance in their professions.

This year, Beyti is taking a proactive step in closing the gender gap by providing an extra month of maternity leave, bringing the total to four months rather than three. This is a significant move towards greater gender equality in Beyti and is further supplemented by the introduction of paternity leave for the first time. This demonstrates Beyti’s commitment to fostering a more equitable and inclusive workplace environment, one that supports both mothers and fathers in their roles as caregivers.

We believe that such initiatives will help to create a more supportive work culture for women and will encourage greater diversity and inclusion within our organization. Finally, Beyti recently signed an MoU with EBRD to promote gender equality across all of our operations in Egypt.

How do you believe we can further challenge gender bias in Egypt to promote greater gender equality and improve women’s empowerment?

Start by challenging the status quo in our communities’ culture and accepting more women in men-led positions, especially in technical jobs and positions that need physical effort such as essential workers, drivers, sales, etc. 

Increase access to education for girls and women; this could be achieved through providing scholarships, creating further educational opportunities, and offering support for girls and women to pursue higher education. 

Additionally, providing access to employment opportunities for women, and supporting female entrepreneurs would be beneficial in empowering women and creating greater gender equality.

Lastly, advocating for laws and policies that prioritize gender equality and the rights of women is essential for challenging gender bias in society. Such policies should strive to create a more just and equitable society, one where all individuals are treated equally regardless of their gender identity.


A strong network is vital when working in the communications industry, how have you built your professional network, and what advice do you have for other women looking to do the same?

I’ve found networking to be an imperative part of success in the professional world and have been proactive in building my network – attending networking events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with colleagues and industry professionals on social media. It’s important to remember that networking is a two-way road; you need to be willing to give as much as you take. 

Being proactive, taking the initiative, and reaching out to individuals in the field are my suggestions for other women who want to build a strong professional network. It’s also a terrific opportunity to expand your social network and strengthen your ties by attending events and conferences.

Moreover, don’t be afraid to ask for help and advice from people who have been successful in the industry; they can provide valuable insight into navigating the field.

With determination and focus, you can build a strong professional network that will serve you well in your career.


Do you believe in work-life balance?

Undoubtedly, I’m an advocate for work-life balance. I believe achieving a balance between work and personal life is indispensable for leading a healthy and fulfilled life. 

By finding such a balance, individuals can strike an equilibrium between having the necessary discipline to perform well in their profession, as well as taking time to unwind and enjoy life outside of their job. This equilibrium is vitally important to be able to maximize productivity while maintaining well-being.


Do you have a mantra or saying that you would like to share with other ambitious women that have been meaningful to you?

Yes, my mantra is “If you want something, go get it!” This has been meaningful to me because it reminds me that I have the power to make my dreams a reality.